Dynamic harmonic analysis with finite impulse response filters designed with O-splines


  • José Antonio De la O Serna Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León




Cardinal splines, central Lagrange interpolation kernel, Taylor-Fourier discrete time transform, oscillatory signals, power oscillations, time-frequency analysis, multi-resolution analysis, data compression


Splines are at the essence of signal processing. Not only in sampling and interpolation, but also in filter design, image processing, and multi-resolution analysis. A new class of splines is presented here. They are referred to as O-splines since their knots are separated by one fundamental cycle. They are used as optimal state samplers, in the sense that their coefficients provide the derivatives for the best Taylor approximation to a given signal about a time instance or the best Hermite interpolation between two of them. They are the impulse response of the filters of the Discrete-Time Taylor-Fourier Transform (DTTFT) filter bank. Lowpass O-spline coincides with the Lagrange central interpolation kernel, which converges towards the ideal Sinc function. It comes with its derivatives which in turn converge to the ideal lowpass differentiator. The bandpass O-splines are harmonic splines since they are modulations of the former kernel at harmonic frequencies. In closed-form, they reduce the computational complexity of the DTTFT and can be used to design ideal bandpass filters at a particular frequency. By increasing the order they define a ladder of spaces very useful for multi-resolution and time-frequency analysis. Examples are provided at the end of the paper. Naturally, a new family of wavelets is coming soon from these splines.


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Author Biography

José Antonio De la O Serna, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Doctor in Telecommunications from the TELECOM Paris Tech School, France (1982). Between 1982 and 1986 he worked at ITESM. From 1988 to 1993 he worked at the Polytechnic of Yaoundé, Cameroon. He is currently a Research Professor at UANL. He is a member of the SNI.


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How to Cite

De la O Serna, J. A. (2021). Dynamic harmonic analysis with finite impulse response filters designed with O-splines. Revista Ingenierías, 24(91), 3–21. https://doi.org/10.29105/ingenierias24.91-18