Método para resolver una matriz cuadrada mediante la descomposición y reducción de orden





Determinants, decompositionº, and order reduction, square matrix


This paper shows a method to calculate m x n ≥ 3 matrices to obtain determinants. The method shown reduces the size of the matrix until obtaining a 1 x 1 element, with the appropriate operations, obtains the determinant. The method has an approximation to the condensation method developed by Dodgson in 1866, however, the respective development of the system is different. In this paper, the method is structured and developed step by step until the determinant is obtained.


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How to Cite

Cantú Mata, J. L. (2020). Método para resolver una matriz cuadrada mediante la descomposición y reducción de orden. Revista Ingenierías, 23(87), –25. https://doi.org/10.29105/ingenierias23.87-4