Dimensional evaluation of the 3D digitization process by photogrammetry of a proprietary calibration pattern
Photogrammetry, 3D scanning system, ISO 10360-6, curves and surfaces fittingAbstract
This article presents the evaluation of a 3D digitalization system using photogrammetry techniques, using as geometric reference an own-design prototype-printed Gauge block. The geometry of the Gauge block is based on the ISO 10360-6 standard, and was 3D printed with a ZCorp high quality prototype printer, with precision values known from other works. The scanning process was made using a commercial software photogrammetry application. The point cloud was processed, and the fitting curves and surfaces were made. Finally, the points cloud was compared against the CAD file. A statistical deviation analysis shows a mean error between -0.23 mm to +0.60 mm. The standard deviation was 0.56 mm. The conclusions show a scanning process with good quality.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Eugenio López Guerrero, Francisco Ramírez Cruz, Sergio Alberto Cardona Ortiz, Moisés Rivera Rocha

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